Monday, May 17, 2010

What not to do during a tornado.

When there is a tornado coming your way you do not want to go outside and start to run around and watching it when it is right by you unless you want to get killed. When there is a tornado warning do not go running or jogging outside towards it or you will die!

When there is a deadly tornado like the one above you especially dont want to go sky diving right into the tornado.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

What to do during a tornado!

The number one thing when there is a tornado is that you want to take cover at all times! Right now im gonna tell you about some things that you WANT to do during a tornado.
When there is a tornado you want to get away from rooms or hallways without windows where the glass would have been flying all around you. If you do not have a tornado shelter to go in you want to get in a place with only walls and put a blanket over you so debree wont hit you. If you do have a shelter you need to get there a fast as you can and take cover for the worst!When you have no shelter either take a matress and put it over you so all the debree and glass will not hit you. If you are in a car you go into a ditch or under a bridge for safety.THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO TAKE COVER AT ALL TIMES TILL THE TORNADO IS GONE!

Sometimes when there is a tornado and you cannot get to safety get to a closet or some sort of room that has no windows! When there is a tornado coming towards you, you want to go in a shelter or some ditch that you can be safe in. If you are in a house all you want to do is get to the lowest and most enclosed room in the house such as a basement, storm cellar or a safe room. IF you do not have a basement then you need to get to a interior room away from corners, windo, doors and ooutside walls. If you are in a vehicle, mobile home or a trailer then you need to go to to get out immediatly and go to the lowest floor of a sturdy building or a storm shelter. If you are outside with no shelter then you need to get to the lowest place that you can get to and cover you head with your hands at all times till the storm in gone. Everytime there is any storm you need to go to safety no matter what type of storm it is because anything could happen.When you are in a car you want to get in the lowest place their is by you. If there isnt a low place then you want to get under a bridge so debris and other objects. If you do not have shelter go to a inclosed and interior room. Before a tornado you want to have a plan and do frequent drills so if there is a tornado you know what to do. You want to listen to the radio or news so you know if the tornado is about to come towards you and if you need to get to cover right then. Most tornado deaths occur in trailers and mobil homes. The best thing to do is not to PANIC! To see more about tornado safety click here.